
Three weeks since I started the 365...

...and three weeks since I've posted on this bad boy. I apologize for the delay, but I'm just trying to get used to the flow of this 365. It has been going great thus far, but seeing as I'm not even 1/10th of the way through it, I would hope that it would be.
I figured that since I haven't been out and about for any extensive shoots lately that I would just give the blog an refresher with some of my favorite 365 shots so far. Enjoy kiddos!


I just need my prescription of Xanax filled. Thanks.

The last thing I expected to find at the Indiana State Fair (or any fair, actually) was a near mint-condition, antique pharmacy. Hooks Drug Store has stood on the Indiana State Fairgrounds since 1849, and I strongly doubt that it has changed much. I cannot imagine walking into a Walgreens, telling the pharmacist that your head hurt, and then they put together a powder/liquid/cream concoction with one finger-crossed hand behind their back. Either way, very neat to see this glimpse into the medical history that scarily enough, was in active use not that long ago. Enjoy the pictures, and I apologize that there are only a few. 
Before Lauren and I left, we actually got a hand pumped chocolate coke from a soda jerk. Definitely awesome. 


Photography stew, part deux.

After 30 weeks of keeping this blog going (yeah I know, I'm amazed as well), I figured it would be a great time to get together some of my favorite random shots. Throughout the first seven months of this blog I have managed to take some shots of this and that, and some seem worthy of being up here. Thanks to anyone who is viewing this on a regular basis, I hope some of these posts have tickled your fancy and/or blown your skirt up, as managing this blog has definitely done both to me. So sit back, relax, and take in this kaleidoscope of shots after the jump.