
Potter's field photography

As I was running around the northside of Indy today, I happened past a very intricate and ornate graveyard. I figured it would make for a picture or two. Mind you that this was 3pm, no clouds, direct sunlight...I probably should have waited until dusk? Either way, enjoy the shots, let me know what you think after the jump!
Side note - The panoramic shot is my first 'real' attempt at a photomerge, approximately 14 photos combined.


You put the lime in the coconut...and cookie

Absolutely delicious. That is all I have to say about the "Key Lime Meltaway" cookies featured on SmittenKitchen.com. Miss Lauren Kenley has done quite the job keeping up with and searching around this website for the last few months, and has made sure to show me any and all things scrumptious. Lauren finally settled on trying out these cookies a little while back, and with me moving into a new apartment, why not break in the new kitchen with tasty homemade cookie smell?? Enjoy!! ( I tried my hardest to include some sort of scratch-and-sniff feature on these photos, no luck)

New bike for the Schwinn!

Yet again I have taken far too long to throw a new post up, but I have had oh-so-much happen in the meanwhile. The most prominent happening is myself moving to Indianapolis! Now there is no possible way for me to not have a plethora of photo opportunities at any given moment (even though there is still the very real possibility of me just being lazy *sigh*)
Anyway, the next bit of fun news is my new transportation! Welcome my 1978 Schwinn Le Tour III. I was tipped off by a friend, made a quick phone call, and within 72 hours I had a near-perfect condition road bike. The bike is great and is in need of no repairs, but I am considering a new paint job. I'll make sure to document any and all changes. As for now, enjoy a few shots of the bike! 
Also - From here on out I am planning on trying to post more often, and with less content. I'm thinking around 3-5 photos per post, and 1-2 posts per week.


Shy town? I don't get it

Ok, that was far too long of a break. Three weeks without a post? Unacceptable, I know. If it is any consolation, I have come back with shots from the windy city, and that makes me happy, so you should be happy as well. I didn't really take as many shots as I wanted, probably because I was too terribly enthralled with the city itself. I feel as if the selection below is a nice mix of tourist and artistic photos, with a couple from the top of the Onterie Center thanks to Mr. Brandon Winter. Overall the trip was an amazing success and enjoy Chicago through my lens!
Also, I have to give credit to Miss Kenley for being behind the lens (as well as in front of it) for a few of the shots below, as driving in Chicago traffic and snapping off photos can't be all too safe. Anyway, nice shots kiddo! Check out the shots after the jump.