
Frozen in Park

Well, since returning back to college I have been dying to get out and take some shots around campus. I will get around to this soon, but in the meanwhile I decided to quench my photography thirst by playing around in a nearby parking garage at night. The intention of this shoot was essentially to begin to learn the basics of XSi at night, which I thought should be easy. Ha. With the lack of tripod, 8 degree weather, 10-15 mph wind chill, and a deficiency of knowledge in low-light photography, it turned out miserably. Seeing as there were only 17 photos taken in total,  I considered only 3 to barely scrape by as passable.
There was also an extremely feeble attempt at HDR photography tonight, which, in low-light and without a tripod also failed miserably.  That is to be left to another day, preferably one where I can feel my fingers.
I keep telling myself that I’m only three weeks into this and that adjusting aperture, my eye, ISO settings, shutter-speed, etc. will all be second nature in no time, right? Right?? Check out my progress after the jump.

1 comment:

  1. Question 1: It says you are going to teach how to photograph stew but all I find are beaches, chicken coops, a deserted garage and a scary ass elephant with scabies of the trunk or something. What is up with that? ick.

    2: I think you need to give yourself more credit for your abilities. You have a very good eye and you capture your subjects well (except the stew as mentioned previously)

    Thank you

