
"The party is ru-eeend"

Well I haven't had a chance to go shoot all week - a combination of terrible winter weather and being busy - but with a 50 degree Saturday happening before my eyes, I couldn't pass up the chance to shoot. I ended up getting a tip from a friend about a great place to photograph in the Indianapolis area, Holliday Park. My girlfriend decided to accompany me and we both had a blast exploring around the various sculptures, trails, and gardens. I absolutely cannot wait for spring and/or fall at this place, I have got to imagine that nothing but beautiful pictures will come from this park.
FYI - The random sculpture in the middle of the park is titled "the Races of Man," by Elmer Taflinger. Originally the façade of the St. Paul building in New York City, the sculptures made their way to Indianapolis after the building was torn down in 1950. Stay parked after the jump.

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