
So Begins a Beach Redux...

The thought of photographing a desolate boardwalk with years of history behind it should entice any budding photographer, right? One could understand how I couldn't resist the invitation of this in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, only a quick jaunt from my home. The only problem with this idea is that as of the beginning of 2010, the boardwalk is under a complete rehaul...essentially meaning that it does not exist as of right now. Slight problem, but this gave me the task of searching for new and interesting shots of the boardwalk construction as well as the beach itself.
Side note: After today I have realized that I am obsessed with black and white shots as well as shots of objects that tend to fade toward a horizon line. Therefore, the shoot at the beach gave me a goal to try and find some other shots that were not only focused on these two types of shots. Go eastern after the jump.






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