
Retro Rewind

After being behind the lens for a few thousand snaps of the shutter, I have come to realize what my favorite shots include - grunge, interesting architecture, and up-close textures. When I was recently tipped off to a spot that included all of the above (plus retro themes) I knew it wouldn't be long until I would make time for a visit.
Enter the small minuscule town that is Cammack, Indiana. After driving through the heart of the town and nearly missing it, I quickly spotted the reason that I drove half an hour out of Muncie - Cammack Station. While looking around for a parking space I noticed an extremely weathered grain elevator which wasn't my reason for the trip, but it immediately caught my eye as a great photo op. Below are the shots from around the elevator, restaurant, and the township. Enjoy.
Side note - The restaurant apparently doesn't open until April 6th, but an extremely nice older gentleman noticed me snapping off shots of the building and asked me inside. We chatted for nearly an hour about the history of building, town, and his involvement with both. To top it all off, he allowed me to take some pretty cool photos of the interior as well. You have got to love small towns. Get retro'd after the jump!

(This is either an escaped rooster or the town rooster, either way, he walked across the street in front of me so I had to snap a shot of him. Seemed like a rather 'cocky' fellow, ha, I had to.)

1 comment:

  1. The composition in shot one is superb, I would love to own a print of that.

    - Jonn
