
Finally, a real reason to wear aviators

140 horsepower. 47 years old. Not much bigger than your car. Sounds like the perfect specifications for a plane, right? Right.
I consider myself to be quite an experienced flier, having taken somewhere around 100 flights in my lifetime, but this, this was a bit different. Thanks to Doyle McIntosh, I felt the most uncomfortable I have felt in the air in a very, very long time. For some odd reason I figured that a plane with 4 seats would handle nearly the same way as a 757. Incorrect.
Ok, enough whining and griping. After the whole experience I can say that it was an absolute blast, it really wasn't that dangerous nor scary, and I actually flew the damn thing for a solid 2-3 minutes. As for the pictures, I jumped back-and-forth across the line that is artistic photography and journalistic photography. The aerial images are of Ball State campus. Enjoi after the jump.
Side note - I suggest clicking on the aerial shots, definitely much more detail to be seen.

1 comment:

  1. Shot number one is my favorite. I enjoy the color, or lack thereof. Very vintage.
