
To Linger in California

Before and after my trip to Tokyo, I had the opportunity to stop in L.A. to pick up and drop off Mr. Beau Bye. We managed to pack in quite a few different activities throughout this short time. From the Getty to Venice Beach, Hollywood to Solvang, I tried to capture as much as possible through my lens. I'm quite sure that nearly half of my shots were of the rolling hills seen throughout the north portion of L.A., so I will try to condense those to another post someday. For now, enjoy.

^^Might very well be my favorite shot to date^^

^^Sun setting on the last night of the trip. Thank you CA and JP, life-long memories for sure.^^


  1. wow... simply wow.

    please keep at it mf.

  2. and another thing, how can such a sick hat exist and not be on MY head?

  3. I knowwww. I'm feeling that hat so much. I saw that dude just laxing, walked over, and then saw his hat. It was too perfect. Considered stealing it, but figured buying it might be a better option. Haha

  4. if you find it PLEASE pick one up for me, I'll love you for...not forever but pretty close.

  5. nice showing for the hollywood sign, good to see a fresh perspective on that.

  6. This has to be my favorite set so far! You did an excellent job with the colors and tones of every picture. The second shot is fantastic! I think it's the atypical angle that makes it so appealing to me. I have mixed feelings about the third shot. I like the angle, but it also makes it harder to read. As someone else mentioned, I think the Hollywood sign photo is so great because it's less generic and more creative. The picture of the little girl is just so sad . . . 'cause you know the picture that she took ended up looking like shit :(
